
Booking Manager - Features and Benefits

Fully web based

Consider that your business may not be confined to one physical location, or indeed specific physical locations, and then it makes sense to be able to access your booking system through your cloud.  All systems, including the administration portal and agent portal are available for use from any location where an internet connection exists.

You, your agents and your customers can access your cloud using almost any computer or smartphone with a web browser and an internet connection. Imagine the level of visibility you will have over your business and what this will mean for staff on the road as well as being able to deploy access to your agents without them having to install any software.


We understand that no two businesses are the same and that often simple needs can be quite complex to implement when it comes to automation with an online system. The Booking Management System is fully customisable to meet your needs. From business rules that manage allotment control, product groupings and agent commission plans through to the look and feel of the front end wizards that customers will use – the system can be setup to map to the specific requirements of your operation.


Delivered using Software as a Service means you do not need to invest in costly IT infrastructure and do not need to be concerned with management of the systems. We will ensure that servers have sufficient capacity and that your data backed up securely to minimise the risks to your business that losing data can mean.

Click here to understand the WebVantage Difference and why this means that the Booking Management System will become a true asset to your business and help Your Cloud drive revenue and operational efficiency for years to come.

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