- Tourist Information Booking System
- Shopfront
- Event Manager
- Media Gallery
- Blog / Newsletter
- Dynamic Content Manager
Your website is often the first time a potential customer can size up your business and first impressions count.
Not only is a website that has out of date information the best way to make people think you are no longer in business, you are passing up a great opportunity to establish a bond that could into a lucrative business opportunity.
Having a well maintained website need not be a complex and costly exercise, we find that if customers have a simple way of keeping website content up to date and exciting, then they generally find the time to do it.
Managing website content is not just useful for attracting new customers but it’s also great for getting existing customers to keep coming back. If your website always has new information then it is more likely to been seen as a valuable resource and your customers will probably bookmark the address in their favourites.  Just imagine the promotional opportunities that will open up if you can keep your customers coming back to your website.
While there are a number of free or open source content management systems available, you need to ask yourself how you will keep it secure. Cyber attacks against insecure websites are commonplace these days and more often than not websites are hacked into via insecure content managers. A hacked website is a sure fire way to cause serious damage to your brand.Â
Don’t let your website end up here.
WebVantage makes sure that the systems that manage your website are maintained. This ensures that if were to be any security holes discovered that they are corrected in a timely manner.
Before selecting a cheap content management system over a managed service, first ask yourself the question: How much is my brand worth?
Talk to WebVantage today about how your cloud can include systems that let you easily and securely manage the information on your website.
Book a consultation with one of our specialists and understand how you can increase revenue and efficiency.