Do you run a tourist agency or tour desk and want to attract online business?
Are you after a way of promoting products and services through your website but have either not had success in the past or don’t know where to start?
As more and more people are using the internet for online shopping, they are also using it to plan their holidays. If you do not have a functional online solution that inspires confidence then you will miss out on sales to a company that does.
Traditionally, setting up a fully functional travel portal solution involves finding a developer who will create a custom written system to meet your needs. The challenges with this approach are that it time consuming, very costly to implement, and results in a system that is difficult to manage on a long term basis.
WebVantage’s Software as a Service (SaaS) based model provides a way to have a fully customised travel portal solution up and running in a matter of weeks. The solution will be based on off-the-shelf modules that are designed to be extended and grow as your business grows.
Organise your listings so that they can be easily browsed or searched. Build a location tree with unlimited depth so that your customers can easily locate the tours, activities and accommodation services they want. The structure and content are fully managed from the secure administration portal, as it provides access to a content management system designed specifically to manage travel portal content.
All rates and tariffs are configured from within the secure administration portal so that customers have access to accurate pricing details. Demand seasons are catered to so that customers will know how the prices will fluctuate depending on the time of year.
Once the customer starts browsing, they can submit an enquiry, make a deposit or start building their itinerary – all from the comfort of their web browser. Your staff will be alerted when a new enquiry is made and can manage the process through to completion.
A prospect is not a customer until they have committed by way of a deposit. An integrated payment gateway lets customers use their credit card to pay a deposit for the bookings they wish to make. Once bookings are confirmed, you can then use the virtual terminal to process they complete payment. All monies will be promptly credited to your merchant account.
WebVantage has the experience to help make your travel portal a success, contact us now and discuss how your business can start taking advantage of the unlimited potential of your cloud.
Book a consultation with one of our specialists and understand how you can increase revenue and efficiency.